Every organization must embrace engagement strategy. A clear benefit is on two folds. 1. Improved Discretionary efforts 2. Better Retention. The strategy is to understand two types of commitments which depends on four focal points of commitments with a resulting output of discretionary efforts and intent to stay in the organization. Let us understand each component in details
1.Types of Commitments:
Employees have two types of commitments 1. Rational Commitment and 2.Emotional Commitment. Emotional commitment is four times the rational commitment in producing discretionary effort however it is a robust and lengthy process. Hence the natural flow is to secure a rational commitment before going to the emotional side. Employees are more likely to commit rationally after the basic needs are taken care of, e.g., financial and job security. Once employees commit logically, then focus on aligning the values, beliefs and personal development with organizational strategy to connect them emotionally. This is where "Why" is so important, why is their job so important and how does their work play an important role in organizational strategy. If the leader can communicate effectively about the role and its importance to each employee, he/she will able to secure their emotional commitments.
To secure rational and emotional commitments, the Four focal points of commitments are the pillars which will support and sustain the commitments. The first and most important focal point is the
2. Direct Manager
A means, not an end. The most important role of managers is to serve as a conduit for other, more valuable. Employees are any company's greatest asset. Good managers recognize that they affect employees' well-being every day and make it their mission to improve lives and performance. The manager needs to play these vital roles on day to day basis.
a. Communicate: Communication is the basis of any healthy relationship, especially the one between an employee and his / her manager. Employees whose managers hold regular one on one are almost three times be engaged to those who do not hold regular meetings.
b. Clear Goals: Often a source of great frustration for employees is when they do not clearly understand the goals or what he/she is expected of them at work. When Goal setting is done well, employees become more productive and creative contributors. Managers who excel at performance management have more engaged than employees whose managers struggle with these same tasks.
c. Focus on Strengths: When managers accurately recognize employees strengths and help them grow and develop through their strengths, they are more than twice to be engaged. The best thing a manager can do for employees is to place them in roles that allow them to use the best of their talents, adding skills and knowledge to develop their strengths
Day to day Work: How will the employee spend 8 hours in the office, where will he/she play to win. These need to be in place by defining clear roles and responsibility, job description and measurable outcome tie to an organizational outcome.
3. Team: Employees are more engaged when the collaboration within and between Teams is happening. Understanding team dynamics is one of the fundamental roles of a manager, and Manager has to identify at which stage his/her team is (Tuckman's Model) Forming, Storming, Norming or Performing. The goal of the Manager is to achieve the performing stage, often due to the rotation, movements, attrition of any employee, the team will go back to forming stage, for which manager needs to work towards moving it from stage 1 to stage 4.
The last component is 4. Organization: Organization also plays an important role in employee engagement, if the organization is declining or reducing, it will be tough to achieve the participation as it will drive the fear, anxiety, and ambiguity to every employee. The organization must thrive to grow, need to define a clear career path for employees to see how they can improve. A good Learning and Development culture to be imbibed. The organization should able to create stretch opportunities.
Finally, Employee engagement is not a cure however it is still a business imperative: Employee commitment is to be managed alongside with other important drivers of performance, importantly the recruitment of high-quality talent and providing that talent with the information, experiences, and resources they need to perform to their best. Hence relentlessly focus on the four pillars which will help employees regarding securing rational and emotional commitment and for the organization it will get them the discretionary efforts and retention of high performing employees.